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The purchase price of handmade carpets is 3 meters. the role of the purple pink

195,000,000 تومان

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In the introduction of the handmade carpet, no sentence can be found to express the immeasurable beauty and authenticity of this work and the culture that lies in its fabric. Many take the name Khatib from the surname of the original designer and Weaver, and some attribute it to the presence of Khatib around the carpet. The great masters of Iranian carpet weaving have at least one work of the original or sub-design of the Khatib role in their curriculum, which is distinguished from the others by its small roles of flowers and flowers or its coloring. The past of the carpet of the Khatib role and the beginning of the implementation of this project dates back to the period of glory and peak of the Iranian handmade carpet, the Safavid era. Despite this long history, this exquisite work is very popular among authentic Iranian designs. The place of handmade carpet weaving is the Khatib design of Tabriz, and the weaving of this city has long been known for quality. On the other hand, the high variety of carpets was possible only with the foundation of its building, the specific type of knots.