The price of the handmade carpet board miniature design morning flowers
Miniature carpet paintings are notable among fans of the art of Buffy carpet because they perform a landscape beyond the mind of the viewer. The design used in these paintings is made up of abstract concepts that are often derived from a belief, spirituality and ... They're taken, they're executed. The handmade carpet of the miniature design of the morning flowers is also woven with the same view and using elements of art such as coloring and role-playing.
Master designer of handmade carpeting miniature design of morning flowers master sushposh is one of the most stylish teachers in this field of art. The esteemed Master has used all the material and immaterial components in the texture of this work. The authenticity of a work of art can ensure the safety of the buyer. So many people are only interested in buying specific local handmade works. The city of weaving handmade carpeting miniature design of the morning flowers of Tabriz is among these cities.
The price of the handmade carpet Board of the bird parrot pernian
The price of buying a flower basket and window hand-woven carpet
Sometimes, several subjects are considered valuable for a designer or artists, and several subjects or main subjects will be exposed to the viewer's eyes in a design. The choice of color for these two subjects is very important and these colors should not be chosen from two completely different spectrums and colors that overlap each other should be used more often. In this style, border lines and bright shadows should be able to reflect the liveliness of everything.
The purchase price of a long yellow flower basket design hand-woven carpet
One of the most beautiful and attractive techniques used in painting and drawing is the light shadow technique. This technique, which is known as the concept of black and white contrast, uses shadows to define the border between the objects in the image and bring the design to life and focus on the main subject. In the execution of painting designs that are imprinted on the page, we will achieve a three-dimensional design by using the shadow of objects and the bright shadow technique.
The price of buying a hand-woven carpet with a design of a flower basket and a blue vase
Silk is considered to be the manifestation of whiteness and softness in Persian poetry and prose texts. This softness and whiteness led to the creation of works that are highly popular in the eyes of artists, experts and even the common people, and due to the high economic value of silk thread, carpets woven from it are among the most expensive carpets in the world today. take The percentage of purity and the use of silk has a significant effect on determining the final price of all-silk hand-woven tapestries and silk and silk hand-woven tapestries.
The price of buying a hand-woven tapestry with a design of a flower basket and a blue-green vase
Carpets or paintings show a scene of contrasting colors that bring life to a lifeless design. This is the art of combining colors and giving life to a beautiful design as long as the harmony of colors is observed. Some colors in visual arts are known in a special meaning and concept or by the name of a certain city. For example, the wine color or wine red is known in color science books as the city of Shiraz, which is also registered at the world level.
The purchase price of the handmade carpet
Artists use all the tools and tools around them to find the idea of the design. Sometimes a human, sometimes a landscape, sometimes animals, and sometimes household objects become these ideation tools. Finding the idea and then implementing it properly, conveying the concept and ... They are among the most important things that the designer and executive of handmade carpets should be aware of. Next to the main idea are not several other points they should be considered in the execution of handmade carpeting.
The price of buying a hand-woven carpet with a flower basket design and a blue clay vase
The collaboration between different arts has always brought brilliant results. In fact, the use of symbols that are recognized in other arts will cause conflict between two artistic fields and the birth of another field. For example, the use of gilding on pottery or calligraphy in painting, which led to the art of calligraphy. The art of carpet weaving was not spared from these changes, and designers of hand-woven carpets and tapestries also used other arts in their designs.