The purchase price of handmade carpets is 3 meters. the role of the purple pink


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In the introduction of the handmade carpet, no sentence can be found to express the immeasurable beauty and authenticity of this work and the culture that lies in its fabric. Many take the name Khatib from the surname of the original designer and Weaver, and some attribute it to the presence of Khatib around the carpet. The great masters of Iranian carpet weaving have at least one work of the original or sub-design of the Khatib role in their curriculum, which is distinguished from the others by its small roles of flowers and flowers or its coloring. The past of the carpet of the Khatib role and the beginning of the implementation of this project dates back to the period of glory and peak of the Iranian handmade carpet, the Safavid era. Despite this long history, this exquisite work is very popular among authentic Iranian designs. The place of handmade carpet weaving is the Khatib design of Tabriz, and the weaving of this city has long been known for quality. On the other hand, the high variety of carpets was possible only with the foundation of its building, the specific type of knots.

The purchase price of handmade carpets 3 meters the role of the wave of the Red Seal of the worm


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The world of handmade carpets is a timeless world. In this wonderful world of designs and roles, there are no limits, and the designer and the weaver can do everything that comes to mind or orders. The handmade carpet of the seal wave map is one of the most memorable designs of the past, which has been found in a new body. This handmade rug has exposed an original bergamot on the edges and bushes hidden in the lichens to the audience. The place of handmade carpet weaving is the design of the seal wave map of Tabriz. Tabriz is a place where many classic designs have either survived or recreated authentic Iranian designs. The breadth of the design and works of Tabriz became so widespread that other professors of carpet design and weaving and handmade carpet paintings across the country took the example of this city and the back of its weaving reached various points of the carpet weaving assemblies.

The purchase price of handmade carpets is 3 meters. the role of the creamy blue sovereignty


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The handmade carpet of the sovereign design is one of the oldest and of course most popular examples among the original traditional Iranian designs. Due to its high popularity, the scheme offered enthusiasts a variety of roles on a main platform. The designer and weavers of this exquisite work are adapted from the original designs such as the garden of Eden, fish and ... He pointed. But the reason for this popularity of the Salari carpet is the variety in color and the harmony with all kinds of decorations. The handmade carpet weaving site of the Tabriz city's sovereign design is a place where the innovation of any design can be found in the carpet markets of the city even after years of implementation and introduction. The purity of purity has shown the magic of artists ' fingers in the game of knots and colors, and this show is more than a thousand expressive texts. Tabriz city has embedded these enduring patterns in the heart of history so that its beauty can be used in any period.

The purchase price of handmade carpets is 3 meters. the role of the creamy brown sovereign


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Sellers of handmade carpets introduce handmade carpets of the sovereign design as the first ranking of Iranian carpets in terms of price and quality. The unique carpet, which is generally seen with a dark background and text color, is an illustration of a luxurious and classic design with knots on the fabric of the carpet. This popular carpet comes out of sub-designs that differ only in color and sometimes in small patterns, but retain the originality of the original design.

The purchase price of handmade carpets is 3 meters. the role of the brown cream


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Handmade carpet is one of the most famous designs and roles of Iranian handmade carpets. The design is full of the city's role, but the only design and role of the work does not affect its popularity, and the important thing in this universal acceptance is the presence of a variety of numbers in every size and dimension. The price increase based on the increase in density has provided an effect on each budget and number. The characteristics of this carpet are the presence of flowers, bushes and ... In the text is the main role. The number that the handmade carpet displays in the number is from 30 to 60 rows. This includes an acceptable density for export handmade carpets. As you know, the number of knots is 7 centimeters from a row of handmade carpet weaving( in some cases 6 centimeters).) Announces. The number of this handmade carpet is 60 ridges. This number means that there are 8 to 9 knots per centimeter.

The purchase price of the 6 meter handmade carpet is the design of the fish Kamal Malik black worm


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The blue and cream role of the 6-meter silk handmade carpet is among the most exquisite products of the Iranian carpet gallery. This carpet has a beautiful and unique coloring at a reasonable price in the form of cash and installments (installment book) without interest has a high purchase value and can be purchased in two ways. In-person and in-person purchases (online, virtual store and...) Are among the ways you can buy Iranian handmade carpets and Iranian handmade carpet boards from the Iranian carpet gallery and have an ideal and unique purchase.

The price of the 6-meter handmade carpet is blue and cream.


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The role of blue and cream handmade carpet is 3 meters of silk, among the most exquisite products of the Iranian carpet gallery. This carpet has a beautiful and unique coloring at a reasonable price in the form of cash and installments (installment book) without interest has a high purchase value and can be purchased in two ways. In-person and in-person purchases (online, virtual store and...) Are among the ways you can buy Iranian handmade carpets and Iranian handmade carpet boards from the Iranian carpet gallery and have an ideal and unique purchase.

The purchase price of handmade carpets is 3 meters. the role of the black-worm sovereignty


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Handmade carpets the role of the sovereign is one of the original Tabriz designs, named after the designer and founder. It is one of the most expensive and luxurious designs of Iranian handmade carpets. This carved carpet displays a special effect of classical and traditional classification in Iranian handmade carpets. If you refer to the rankings of handmade carpets, you will see the name of the carpetmaker at the beginning of this list.